2780 Eastex Freeway
Beaumont, Texas 77703
Fax: 409.832.0145


Coquese Williams
(409) 924-4415
Fax: (409) 832-0145

The Catholic Charities office of Parish Social Ministry strives to assist parishioners, through the parish community, to understand and act on Catholic Social Teaching.

This is achieved by identifying, supporting and training leaders who will organize people and activities around four specific, complementary ministries:

  • Direct Service
  • Legislative Advocacy
  • Community Organizing
  • Global Solidarity

The common thread that weaves all this together is regular formation, education, and reflection on Catholic Social Teaching.

The Parish Social Ministry office believes this to be an essential element of living out the faith in Jesus Christ. It strives to assist in promoting education about Catholic Social Teaching and training leaders in the skills of effective parish social ministry.

Parish Social Ministry: committed to nurturing, fostering, and supporting Catholic parish leaders who do direct service, advocacy, community organizing, and justice education activities.

Parish Social Ministry aids in the empowerment of the people of God, helping them to fulfill their mission of love, justice, and peace in the community.

To help achieve these goals, Parish Social Ministry continues to develop comprehensive workshops based on Catholic Social Teaching. Parish Social Ministry Certification helps provide members of the Diocese of Beaumont parishes with the skills and knowledge required to serve Christ by serving others.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) was established in 1969 to empower groups of poor and low-income people to address the root causes of poverty in their communities. For the past forty-nine years, CCHD has worked to help people break the cycle of poverty, not just for a day, but for a lifetime. Through the generosity of parishioners, CCHD is able to help fund projects within the Diocese of Beaumont and throughout the United States, without regard to religious affiliation, which encourage self-sufficiency, education, and training. Non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations working to address social issues in the community are welcome to apply for these CCHD grants. Viewing the parish community as inclusive of its entire geographical area, Catholic Charities, through the Parish Social Ministry office, administers the local grant funding process made available through these CCHD monies.

For additional information, please contact Coquese Williams at 409-924-4415.

Third Age

The Catholic Charities office of Parish Social Ministry sponsors an annual Third Age Day Celebration. Hosted by a parish selected by the Third Age Task Force members, this diocesan wide event provides an opportunity for parishioners age 50 and over to come together for worship, fellowship, entertainment, and lunch.

Principles of Catholic Social Teaching

  • Life and Dignity of the Human Person
  • Call to Family, Community, and Participation
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
  • Solidarity


The Parish Social Ministry Program of Catholic Charities lends support and training resources to local church leaders and members working to organize social justice advocacy teams and social ministry services. Within the Diocese of Beaumont, Parish Social Ministry coordinates a “Third Age Program” for older adults, coordinates public policy advocacy initiatives on both state and federal topics, and provides

educational and training resources to parishes and individuals in social ministry services. Information is also presented through Diocesan publications and Catholic Charities Facebook activities.

By definition, Parish Social Ministry is a church-based initiative that requires tapping each and every able Catholic’s baptismal call to service. Within the parish, the initiative is led by the pastor, the parish staff, and the parish council. The key messages for carrying out the mission are:

  1. the parish’s social ministry should be integrated throughout parish life. It must be woven into education programs so that all Catholics learn about Catholic Social Teaching. It must be reflected in the prayer and worship of our faith community. And must include a wide range of opportunities for members of our parishes to act on the social dimensions of our faith.
  2. The ministry organizes the work, does not do the work. It is the role of the ministry to provide opportunities, and invite and recruit members of their faith community to become involved.
  3. Parish social ministry must include both efforts to provide direct service or outreach to people in need and efforts to work for justice and peace by shaping the policies, programs, and structures of society.


Third Age is the term used by Catholic Charities to identify its program for older citizens, the “seasoned citizens,” who are the returners of wisdom in society. The Third Age ministry is composed of parish groups of Third Age individuals (age 50 and up) united for the purpose of promoting their welfare through fellowship, coordination, and group representation of their issues and concerns.

At the parish level, the senior groups go by many names: senior citizens, golden agers, young at heart among them. Members of these groups are most often the backbone of each parish’s service-oriented ministries.

The annual diocesan-wide Third Age Day Celebration is sponsored by Catholic Charities’ Parish Social Ministry Program, which is partially funded through the Bishop’s Faith Appeal of the Diocese of Beaumont. All parish groups are invited to be represented on the Third Age Task Force. The group meets quarterly to plan the annual celebration and discuss other advocacy concerns.


Advocacy is one of the roles undertaken by Parish Social Ministry to model “faith in action” within the Diocese. Speaking up for the least of our brothers and sisters, and encouraging other people of faith to do the same, can help to bring about legislative and societal changes. Parish social ministry attempts to stay current on issues and work with individuals, groups, and parishes to spread the word on behalf of those in need.

Did You Know?

  • Amazon donates up to 0.5% every time you purchase an eligible item with no cost to you when you show with a free Smile account. Just set us as your charity to choice!

  • Amazon donates up to 0.5% every time you purchase an eligible item with no cost to you when you show with a free Smile account. Just set us as your charity to choice!

  • Amazon donates up to 0.5% every time you purchase an eligible item with no cost to you when you show with a free Smile account. Just set us as your charity to choice!


(409) 924-4400
(855) 924-4400



Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas

2780 Eastex Freeway
Beaumont, Texas 77703

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